Articles (8)

Finance Plain & Simple - Check and Invoice Cancellation

Do you ever wonder whether you should void and re-establish an invoice or just void it? What about voiding a check? Should you re-establish the payable or create a new one? Depending on the reason for the void, there are a variety of ways to handle voids and one of the determining factors on which form to use is whether the invoice has been paid or not.

Finance Plain & Simple - Getting Ready for year end rolls

We all have our own year end time lines, but regardless of when your year end is there are some activities you can do now to get ready.  For those who have a June 30th year end, this is the perfect time to make sure that things are in order and ready to go!  Assuming that you’ve been through a year end and all of the set-up work is complete, here are some of the annual preparations to think about.

Finance Plain & Simple - Preparing for 1099s

be better equipped for the 1099 preparation process

Finance Plain & Simple - Rule Classes and Process Codes

This article will focus on general information about Rule Classes, and in particular the process codes.

Finance Plain & Simple - The Power of Attributes

Attributes create hooks or links to your data and as such create an extension to your chart of accounts. They are associated with FOAPAL elements and enable you to group and subtotal financial information for reporting purposes without having to build new or alter existing FOAPAL hierarchies.

Finance Plain & Simple - Year End Roll Processes

If you look on the Year End Maintenance form (FGAYRLM), you will see a list of five year end processes that you can run.  The order of the processes listed on FGAYRLM is the order that processes should be completed.