How To: Create a Quiz using New Quizzes

Front picture

This guide will walk you through the steps of creating a quiz using the New Quizzes tools and directions on how to create different questions types.
Visit the How To: Manage New Quizzes guide to learn more about item banks, grading in SpeedGrader, and reporting and statistics.


Table of Contents

Creating a quiz using New Quizzes Migrating a Classic Quiz into New QuizzesNew Quizzes Question TypesModerate Page in New QuizzesWhat is New with New QuizzesNew Quizzes Training and Resources New Quizzes Timeline

Creating a quiz using New Quizzes 

Click on the "Quizzes" link located on the course navigation menu. 

Quizzes link on the course Navigation menu

Click on the "+Quiz" button located in the top right corner of the page. 

+ quiz button

On the next window:

1) select the "New Quizzes" button.

2) Click the "Submit" button.

window to selecr the New Quizzes option


1) Complete the quiz details by entering the quiz name, points, and dues dates. Visit the How do I create a quiz using New Quizzes? Canvas guide and scroll down to the "Edit Quiz Details" section for more detailed information about editing the quiz details.

2) Click on the "Save and Publish" button or just the "Save" button if you are not ready to publish the Quiz. Please note: when you select the  "Save and Publish" or the "Save" button, it will take you back to the page where you opened the Quiz.

If you select any of these options, you can click the three dots (options menu) on the right side of the quiz title and select the "Build" button from the drop-down menu to go back to the New Quizzes build page.  

Build link on the drop-down menu

3) Select the "Build" button, and it will take you to the "New Quizzes" tool to start building the Quiz. 

new quizzes quiz details

Once you click on the "Build" button, you will be taken to the New Quizzes build page. 

Visit the How do I create a quiz using New Quizzes? Canvas guide and scroll down to the "Build Quiz" section for more detailed information about building the Quiz.

Select the "Return" button to return to the quizzes page.

New Quizzes and Return button


Table of Contents

Migrating a Classic Quiz into New Quizzes 

Please note: To migrate a Classic quiz to a New Quiz, you need to be on the Quizzes page. 

Click on the "Quizzes" link located on the course navigation menu. 

Quizzes link on the course navigation menu 

Find the classic Quiz you want to Migrate to New Quizzes.

1) Click on the three dots (options menu) located to the right of the quiz title.

2) Select the "Migrate" link from the drop-down menu. This process might take a few minutes, depending on the size of the Quiz.

For more detailed information, visit the Canvas guide. How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes?.

Options menu showing the Migrate button

Once you click on the "Migrate" link, you will see the message indicating the migration is in progress. 

migration in process message

Scroll down to the quizzes page, and you will see the migration is in process. 

Migration to new quiz

 New quizzes will be unpublished by default. 

Quiz migrated

Tip: The easiest way to identify a Classic Quiz from a New Quiz in a course is if the rocket icon is outlined or filled.

Classic quiz and new quiz icon


Table of Contents

New Quizzes Question Types 

The following Question Types are available in New Quizzes. 


Table of Contents

Moderate Page in New Quizzes 

The Moderate Page in New Quizzes allows you to view the student's quiz results, print quiz results, and add accommodations. 

How do I use the Moderation page in New Quizzes?

How do I view student quiz results in New Quizzes?

How do I add accommodations for a student in New Quizzes?


Table of Contents

What is New with New Quizzes 


Table of Contents

New Quizzes Training and Resources 

  1. Enroll yourself in any New Quizzes Training available through the Training Services Portal. We recommend "Creating Assessment with New Quizzes" and "Managing Assessments with New Quizzes" webinars.
  2. Watch the Webinar on New Quizzes: Basics and Timeline - September 2021.
  3. For more information, visit the New Quizzes Canvas Guides and FAQ: New Quizzes.


Table of Contents

New Quizzes Timeline 

Visit the Transparency into Quizzes Planning for New Quizzes updates and additional improvement. 

Visit the Classic Quiz Sunset Timeline for Classic Quizzes end of life updates which has been extended to June 30th, 2024,


Table of Contents


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Article ID: 136935
Thu 3/3/22 6:09 PM
Tue 9/10/24 11:00 AM