How To: Manage MFA Account Security Options

MFA Logo. Prompt showing the One time code field


With the implementation of multi-factor authentication, you may, at some point, need to remove and add new authentication options to your FSW account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the IT Help Desk for assistance.

Table of Contents

Managing Your Authentication Options     Removing Authentication Options     Adding Authentication Options (Authenticator Applications)     Adding Authentication Options (Security Key)Frequently Asked Questions

Managing Your Authentication Options

You can manage your authentication options by taking the following steps.


Go to, click on the "MyFSW" tab, and log into the MyFSW Portal.

MyFSW on the FSW website.

Once logged in, navigate to the  FSW Quick Links card. You might have to search for this card and bookmark the card. 

Then, click on Manage Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) link.

FSW Quick Links tab

From the Account Security landing page, you can locate your currently attached Two-Factor Authentication options.

image showing attached two factor devices



Table of Contents


Removing Authentication Options

To remove an authentication option (mobile apps, extensions, or security keys), please first follow the steps outlined in the "Managing Your Authentication Options" section above to get to the "Account Security" landing page.


If you no longer wish to use one of the devices listed under the "Two-Factor Authentication" section, you can remove them by clicking the "Remove" button located to the right of the device you wish to detach from your account.

removing two factor options

Click "Continue" to confirm the removal of the authentication option.

"Continue" button.

A message will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen to confirm that the authentication option was removed.

Message to confirm that the authentication option was removed.

If you remove all of your devices, you will be prompted to set up a new device the next time you log in.



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Adding Authentication Options (Authenticator Applications)

To add an authentication application (mobile apps or extensions), please first follow the steps outlined in the "Managing Your Authentication Options" section above to get to the "Account Security" landing page.

Once there, click the "Set up Authenticator Application" link under the "Two-Factor Authentication" section.

"Set up Authenticator Application" link.

After clicking the link, the "Mobile Authenticator Setup" page will display.

"Mobile Authenticator Setup" page.

If you would like to set up a mobile authenticator application (Google Authenticator, FreeOTP, or Apple Keychain Passwords), please visit the How To: Configure Authenticator Applications (IOS and Android) FSW guide for the steps on how to setup your desired mobile authenticator.

If you would like to set up the extension, please visit the How To: Configure Authenticator Extension (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) FSW guide for the steps on how to setup the authenticator extension.



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Adding Authentication Options (Security Key)

To add a security key, please first follow the steps outlined in the "Managing Your Authentication Options" section above to get to the "Account Security" landing page.


Once there, click the "Set up Security Key" link under the "Two-Factor Authentication" section.

"Set up Security Key" link.

After clicking the link, the "Security Key Registration" page will display.

"Security Key Registration" page.

Please visit the How To: Configure USB Dongle / Security Key FSW guide for the steps on how to setup the USB Dongle/Security Key.



Table of Contents


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Multi-Factor Authentication required to get into my college PC or laptop? 
    • No, it is only required to access an application that uses the College's Single Sign On (SSO), such as Canvas, Portal, or Banner.
  • Do I need to use it every time I log in?
    • Yes, you will. It's part of the extra security layer that helps protect our entire FSW community. 
  • How do I request a USB Dongle?
  • Can I use a USB Dongle and App Authenticator?
    • Yes, enhancements have been developed to allow the use of both.
  • Do I need a Device Name?
    • It is not required, but it's a good habit to name the device with a brief identifiable name you can identify easily in the future.
  • What Multi-Factor Authentication method is best for me?
    • That’s a great question and one of personal preference. We are providing multiple options so you can choose the one(s) that is most convenient for you. Your options are:
      • Mobile phone app
        • Flexible
        • Requires your phone/device to be with you at all times to access college applications
        • Requires you to use your device
      • Google Chrome extension
        • Convenient
        • It has to be installed on the machine you are using to access the applications.  If it is a different machine, it might not have the authenticator extension app installed.
        • It can be used in conjunction with the mobile phone app
      • USB Dongle
        • Requires no use of personal devices
        • You can use the other authentication methods as well now alongside this option.
        • It cannot be used through a remote desktop session (RDS).  
  • Will I be able to manage my own devices, or am I required to work through the Information Technology helpdesk?
    • You can currently manage your MFA account through the FSW Portal. There you can add, remove, and review the devices associated with your MFA account.
  • I get an error message when trying to set up an authenticator
    • We are here to assist and answer any questions you may have. There are many ways to contact IT, and you can use our live chat and submit a helpdesk ticket at, email or call us at 239-489-9202



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Article ID: 137782
Sat 4/30/22 9:20 AM
Mon 7/8/24 4:12 PM

Related Articles (6)

This article will walk you through the steps to set up and configure authenticator applications to meet the Multi-Factor Authentication requirements for FSW system access. These are installed and operated on your iOS or Android device.
This article will walk you through the steps to set up and configure the web browser Authenticator Extension to meet the Multi-Factor Authentication requirements for FSW system access. This is installed and operated on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.
This article will walk you through the steps to set up and configure the USB Dongle / Security Key to meet the Multi-Factor Authentication requirements for FSW system access. The security key is needed anytime you need to log in to an FSW system and will need to be carried with you. Security key utilizes NFC for mobile device authentication access.
Follow this guide to learn how to transfer Google Authenticator security codes to a new device.