How To: Show Your Computer's Active Applications (Dock, Taskbar, Toolbar)

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You may be asked to ensure your computer's active applications are displayed before taking your Proctorio Quiz. This guide will walk you through the settings to ensure your professor can view your active applications when requested.

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macOS (11.6 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, & 10.14 Mojave)Windows 10

macOS (10.15 Catalina & 10.14 Mojave)

To adjust your Dock settings, you can take the following steps:

  • Open your System Preferences by clicking on the Gear Icon 

Mac System preferences icon

Locate and click on the "Dock" icon

Searching the System preferences menu

In the "Dock" menu that appears, adjust your settings to reflect the below images for your macOS version.


  • macOS 11.6 Big Sur


  • macOS 10.15 Catalina

suggested dock setttings



  • macOS 10.14 Mojave

Mojave Dock suggested settings



Your professor will now be able to verify you have no active applications other than Chrome and the Finder apps.

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Windows 10

To adjust your Taskbar settings, you can take the following steps:

  1. Click on the "Windows" Icon (Start Menu) in the bottom left or tap the "Windows" key on your keyboard
  2. On your keyboard, start typing "Taskbar settings" to create a search
  3. Click on the "Taskbar settings" link under "Best match."

searching for the Windows Taskbar settings

In the settings menu for the "Taskbar," adjust your settings to reflect the below image.

suggested Taskbar settings windows 10

Your professor will now be able to verify you have no active applications other than Chrome.


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Article ID: 115806
Tue 9/8/20 2:11 PM
Mon 7/8/24 3:04 PM

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