This guide will walk you through uploading your previously recorded presentation to My Media and adding PowerPoint slides to it. This process is required for several FSW Online speech/communication courses. Be sure to follow the steps in order if this is the first time you are utilizing My Media within Canvas.
Please Note: The timeline option to add a PowerPoint is not available when importing a YouTube video to Kaltura.
Click here to watch a video demonstration.
Before starting this part of the assignment, you will need to have the video recorded of you delivering your speech and your PowerPoint presentation finalized.
Table of Contents
Upload to My MediaUpload Using iOS/AndroidAdd PowerPoint PresentationAdjust Timing of SlidesSubmit Your PresentationAccess Denied ErrorPrerequisites and System Requirements
Upload to My Media
- Navigate to the Canvas course you need to create the presentation for.
- Locate and click on the link titled My Media.

- If this is the first time you have ever entered My Media within Canvas, you will need to authorize it by clicking "Authorize."

- (1) Once you're My Media page loads, click on Add New.
- (2) Highlight the Media upload Option and click it.

- You will see a blue button labeled "+Choose a file to upload," click on it.

- This will present you with a window that you can use to locate the video file on your computer.
- Locate and click on the video file you recorded earlier. Then click open or double-click the file to begin the upload process.
- (1) You will see a status bar across the top, and it will turn green when it's 100%.
- (2) Label it with an identifiable name so you can quickly locate it later.
- (3) Description and Tags are not required for this process.
- (4) The next thing you want to ensure is that you have the Private option selected.
- (5) Then click on Save.

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Upload Using iOS / Android Mobile Device
- Navigate to the Canvas course you need to create the presentation for in the Canvas Student App.
- Locate and tap on the link titled My Media.

- On the new page that loads, locate, and tap Add new
- Then tap Media Upload.

- Tap + Choose a file to upload button.
- Tap Photo Library

- Tap Videos
- Locate the video you want to upload
- Tap Use

Your video will begin to upload. Go through and set the following information.
- Supply a Name
- Set to Private
- Click Save

Your video will now be in your My Media within Canvas.
How long it takes your video to upload depends on how fast your internet connection is and the file size of the video you are uploading. It is suggested you record at 720p for speedier upload and processing.
- Navigate to the Canvas course you need to create the presentation for in the Canvas Student App.
- Locate and tap on the link titled My Media.

- On the new page that loads, locate and tap (1) Add new
- Then tap (2) Media Upload.

- Tap (1) + Choose a file to upload button.
- Tap (2) Gallery

- Locate the video you want to upload
- Tap the video you want to upload from your Gallery

Your video will begin to upload. Go through and set the following information.
- Supply a Name
- Set to Private
- Click Save

How long it takes your video to upload depends on how fast your Internet connection is and the file size of the video you are uploading. It is suggested you record at 720p for speedier upload and processing.
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Add PowerPoint Presentation
- You will need to utilize a desktop computer ( PC / MAC ) for the next steps.
- With your video uploaded and saved, the next step is to click on Go To My Media so you can add a slide deck to your video.
- Your video may still be processing, and that's ok. You can yet upload and add the slides to the video while it processes.
- When the My Media page loads, you will see your newly uploaded video listed here. Click on Edit located to the right of the screen.

- This will load a new page with many additional tabs and options available.
- (1) To add your PowerPoint slides to this video, you will need to click on the tab titled timeline.
- (2) The timeline tab will reveal the "Upload Slides Deck" button you will need to click.
- (3) You should see the new "upload a full deck" button displayed; click on it to go to the next step.

- The deck upload window will appear, allowing you to choose Normal or Wide resolutions for your slides. Either option will work, but if you created your slides in "widescreen," we suggest selecting the Wide Resolution option.
- Click the resolution option you want, then click the link titled, Choose a file to upload. This will reveal your Finder or File Explorer window. Locate your slides and either double click or click to highlight them; then, click open.
- You will see a brief uploading status bar then a loading message will appear. You can click on back to the timeline link or wait until the slides are finished processing to be taken back to your timeline view.

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Adjust Timing of Slides
- Initially, your slides will be spread out evenly on your timeline. You will need to go through and adjust when each slide should appear on your video.
- This is done by clicking and holding down the mouse button on the slide, then drag it to where it needs to be displayed.
A Critical Note
After you adjust each slide, be sure to click Save every time you move or change a slide.
You cannot go through and adjust all the slides, then click save. After you move a slide, click Save. Move another slide. Click Save.
- After you have all the slides timed correctly and saved. Your video is ready to be submitted.

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Submit Your Presentation
- Navigate to the assignment that you will need to submit the video to.
- Locate and click on the Submit Assignment button.

- You may have multiple tabs available, be sure to select the "Text Entry" tab to reveal the Rich Text Editor.
- Locate and click on the Embed Kaltura Media icon listed in the Rich Text Editor tools.

- After clicking the Embed Kaltura Media icon, a new window will appear.
If you utilize the Chrome extension for Grammarly, then you may receive the following message, "Error retrieving content." You will need to disable the Grammarly Chrome extension because it conflicts with embedding Kaltura Media. After you have embedded and submitted your assignment, you can enable the Grammarly Chrome extension.

- Locate your presentation video.
- Click the blue "</> Embed" button listed to the right of your presentation video.

- After clicking the Embed button, the window will disappear, and you will see your presentation displayed in the Rich Text Editor.
- Take one last moment to review your presentation and ensure you included everything required for your assignment.
- Be sure to click the Submit Assignment button to finalize your submission and send it off to the professor.
Verify your presentation was submitted successfully to the assignment by clicking the Submission Details link. The Submission Details link will show you a preview of what your submission will look like to the professor.

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Manually Embed Your Video Into Group Discussion (Access Denied Error)
If for some reason, the Embed Kaltura Media Icon is not working or producing an Access Denied error message, you can still embed your video into the discussion post, taking the following steps.
1) Click on My Media from your course homepage.

2) Navigate to the video you want to post to the discussion and click on the title to load that video.

3) When the video loads, locate the Share tab and click on it.
4) The options on the bottom of the window will change, and you should see an embed code listed. The extended iframe code should start with something similar to, "<iframe id="kaltura_player" ......."
5) Copy the entire iframe code by pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard or any method you are familiar with using Copy / Paste.

6) Navigate to the discussion post you need to submit to.
7) Click on the "Insert" tab in the rich text editor.

8) Click the "Embed" link from the drop-down menu.
9) Click in the empty text box below and paste the embed code you copied earlier using Ctrl + V or your preferred method to Paste.

10) Click on the "Submit" button, and your video should appear after a few moments of processing.

11) Lastly, fill out any text you needed within your discussion along with the embedded video and click Post Reply.

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Prerequisites and System Requirements
Please find below the list of the minimum hardware and software requirements for Kaltura Capture.
Operating System
Windows 10 (64bit) and above
macOS 10.14 (Mojave) - 11 (Big Sur)
1GB min available
Intel i5 or later (min 4 cores) or AMD A10 or Apple M1
Intel Quick Sync
Screen Resolution |
Minimal supported screen resolution is
1024 X 768 (100% scale) |
For more information on prerequisites and requirements for Kaltura Capture, please visit the Kaltura Capture - Prerequisites and System Requirements guide.
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