FSW Public WiFi


FSW employees and FSW students need to connect to the Florida SouthWestern State College Wi-Fi

The Office of Information Technology will be modifying the way users access the college guest Wi-Fi service. The FSW_Guest network has been removed and replaced with a new FSW_Public wireless network. The new FSW_Public network will require users to register their information to gain access and their accounts will be temporary. This network has limited access and bandwidth will be capped. Please follow the guide below to connect your device.

1. Connect to the WiFi Network "FSW Public"

Connect your PC, Tablet, or smartphone to the WiFi network "FSW Public" using the instructions provided by your device manufacturer. 

Visit the following guides for additional information on how to connect to a WiFi network from different devices. 


2. First-Time User Registration

When connecting to FSW Public Wi-Fi, your web browser will open a login window. If you are a first-time user, click on the “Create an account” link.

Red box around the "Create an account" link.


On the following screen:

  • (1) Enter your name.  

  • (2) Enter your email address.

  • (3) Confirm your email address.

  • (4) Enter a password.

  • (5) Confirm your password.

  • (6) Click the "Create new account" button. 

NoteIf you are an FSW student or employee and you would like to connect to the "FSW Public" network, please do not enter your bucs@fsw.edu or @fsw.edu email because you will receive an error message. Instead, use a personal email or connect to the Florida SouthWestern State College Wi-Fi.


The name, email, and password entry fields, and the "Create new account" button.


If successful, the following message will pop up confirming the registration.

       Connection confirmation message.


NOTE: The username and password will be active only for 4 hours.
However, you will receive an error message if you try to register again within 4 hours using the same name.


3. Existing User Login

Existing users need to (1) fill in the email and password they used when registering for their account in section two. Then, (2) click the check box to accept the acceptable use policy. Finally, (3) click the “Sign In” button.

The email and password entry fields, agreement checkbox, and "Sign In" button.


We hope this article has helped with informing you of our FSW Guest Wi-Fi network! Should you still have any problems connecting after following the above process, you may wish to reach out to the IT Help Desk for further assistance. You can find more information by visiting the Technology Support Center website, or you can get assistance over the phone by calling (239) 489-9202 and selecting option three on the menu.


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Article ID: 51723
Sun 4/8/18 6:00 PM
Fri 7/19/24 1:08 PM