How To: Use the Newest Version of LockDown Browser

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Adding LockDown Browser to The Course NavigationSelecting the Quizzes to use LockDown Browser

Adding LockDown Browser to The Course Navigation​​​​​​  

Go to the Canvas course where you would like to enable LockDown Browser and click on the "Settings" link located on the Course Navigation Menu. 

Setting link in the Course Navigation Menu

Next, select the "Navigation" tab.

Navigation tab in settings

(1) Find the LockDown Browser option.

(2)  Click on the "kabob" (the three vertical dots icon to the right).

LockDown Browser option

(3) Select "Enable," which will move Respondus LockDown Browser to the upper listing, or drag LockDown Browser to where you want it to appear in the Course Navigation.

Enable option next to LockDwon Browser

Click on the "Save" button. 

Save botton


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Selecting the Quizzes to use LockDown Browser 

Select LockDown Browser from the Course Navigation in Canvas.

LockDown Browser link in Course Navigation

Please note that you may be prompted to authorize Respondus LockDown Browser to access your account. If you are prompted, please select the green "Authorize" button.

Prompt to authorize the Respondus LockDown Browser app.

A list of all the quizzes in the course will be displayed.

Please Note:

Quizzes labeled with "Required" will require students to use LockDown Browser.

Quizzes labeled "Not Required" do not require students to use LockDown Browser or have not been set up with LockDown Browser. 

list of quizzes

(1) Find the quiz in the listing that you would like set up with LockDown Browser and click the icon to the left of the quiz name.

(2) Select the "Settings" link from the drop-down menu.

settings option for LockDown Browser

Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.

Reuire Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam option

Please Note: If you wish to allow your students to view results, Uncheck "Require LockDown Browser to view post-exam feedback and results" under Advanced Settings. 
Canvas will not allow students to view their results "Immediately after completing the quiz" with this setting selected.

Require LockDown Browser to view feedback and results under Advanced Settings. 

Other settings are available under Advanced Settings, and you can select them at your discretion. Please, hover over the word Explain next to each setting to get a full description.

  • Lock students into the browser until the exam is completed. This is sometimes used in testing centers where a proctor can enter a password to exit an exam early.
  • Allow students to take the exam with an iPad using the free LockDown Browser app.
  • Allow students to access a list of specified web domains during the quiz.

Next, select the "Save + Close" button.  

Save and close button

The LockDown Browser column will now show Required for the quiz in green, and the quiz title will display Requires Respondus LockDown Browser. 

LockDown Browser column

Visit the "Getting Started" tab for instructions for your practice quiz. 

Getting started tab

Visit the "Video Tutorials" tab to view LockDown Browser videos. 

Video tutorials tab

Visit the "Guides & Support" tab for additional resources. 

Guides and Support tab

Please share the following guide with your students with step-by-step instructions on How To: Take a Quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser.


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