Request an Official QM Online Course Review

Why certify my online course?

There are many reasons why you should consider submitting your online course for an Official Quality Matters (QM) Review. Aside from the $500 incentive stipend for courses that earn QM Certification (per the current CNA), QM certified courses improve the teaching and learning experience leading to higher teacher and student satisfaction with the course. A strong course design will mean more time for you to engage with your students about course content and less time answering logistical questions. Also, QM Certified courses receive the “High Quality” course designation in the Florida Shines catalog!

FSW faculty also report these additional perks for their QM Certified courses.

  • Fewer disgruntled student emails because course directions are clearer and grading criteria are more directly defined.
  • Better participation in the course overall, with more students submitting more of their assignments than in non-QM Certified courses.
  • QM Course Certification can be used as an ambitious but achievable goal in annual teaching evaluations.
  • QM Certification results in positive student feedback in course evaluations, which can be highlighted in portfolio reviews.

What is an “Official” Quality Matters Review?

The official Quality Matters (QM) Review is a faculty-driven peer-review process that evaluates the design of an online course using the QM Higher Education Rubric. The official QM Peer Review is an opportunity to gain feedback and helpful recommendations for your online course. The review is completed by three experienced online faculty that are QM Certified Peer Reviewers, one of which will be external to the college. In order to achieve QM Certification, a course must meet all 23 of the Essential Standards in the Rubric and receive a quantitative score of 85 out of 100 points. Once the course meets QM expectations, the course receives QM Certification. The course may not meet the required standards or quantitative score immediately, but there is an amendment phase where the Course Representative may utilize the reviewer feedback to meet any missing standards. QM Certification for online or blended courses is valid for five years. The procedure for recertification is initiated prior to the original certification expiration and needs to be completed within three months of initiation.

What is expected of me if I submit my course for review?

By submitting this Service Request, you are agreeing to serve as the Course Representative for the course you are submitting for review. During the Review Process, the Course Representative is responsible for filling out the Course Review Worksheet, detailing some of the major structural elements in your course, and is required to meet with the review team once before the review begins to answer any questions regarding the course. Additionally, the Course Representative may be contacted during the review process if questions surface regarding other elements of the course. If the course does not initially meet certification standards, the course representative must also decide if they would like to address the missed standards during the available amendment period.

How long does a QM review take?

4-6 weeks

An Official Course Review takes on average 4-6 weeks to complete. However, if the course does not initially meet QM Rubric Standards, you can present an amended course within 14 weeks of the date the Final Report was presented. The Team Chair will review the amendments and confirm if the course meets QM review standards.