Watch the above video or follow the written guide below.
All instructors must submit final grades in the MyFSW Portal under the Faculty Dashboard card.
Please note that each instructor's responsibility is to do so by the indicated deadlines posted in the academic calendar.
1. Navigate to MyFSW
To start, go to MyFSW, or you can access MyFSW by clicking on "MyFSW" on the FSW home page.

2. Log in to MyFSW
- Type your Username.
- Type your portal Password.
- Click the "Sign In" button.

3. Go to the Faculty Dashboard Card

4. Click on the Final Grades icon

5. Search for your current courses
Utilize the "Search" option to filter unwanted information.
Search using either:
- CRN (EX: 12345)
- Term and Year (EX: Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020)

The Grading Status will show "Not started" until at least one grade has been entered for the class.

6. Start Grading
Click the "Not Started" button to begin grading.

The list of students will be displayed in alphabetical order by last name.
1) Under the Final Grade column, click on the chevron icon to display the available grades.

2) Then, click on the appropriate choice from the grade list.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button to save the entered grades.

If there are multiple pages, click the arrow to go to the next page to enter grades. Be sure to click "save" on each page before proceeding to the subsequent pages.

A "Save Successful" message will display if there were no problems on the page.

Clicking the "Reset" button will clear all unsaved changes.
You will be prompted to confirm the reset.

7. Grading and Rolled status
The Grading Status for the class will show "In Progress" if all grades have not been entered.

Once all grades for the class have successfully been entered, the "Grading Status" will show completed.

The Grading Status will show "Completed," and the Rolled status will show "Not Started"
We no longer roll grades to academic history on an hourly basis like we did previously. It now happens as part of the end-of-term processes running, which will occur after grades are closed for entry.
8. Incomplete Grades
If an I grade is entered from the grade list, an "Incomplete Grades" block will be displayed, showing the "Incomplete Final Grade" and the "Extension Date."

Click the "Roster" tab to enter the last date of attendance for the student who received the I grade.

Remember to click the "Save" button when you have finished entering grades for the page.
If the "Last Attend Date" was not entered before clicking save, the message "A last attend date is required for this grade" will be displayed.

The missing "Last Attend Date" will be outlined in red.

Choose the date using the calendar icon and click the "Save" button at the end to complete the entry.
Grades cannot be changed once the "Rolled" column for the student contains a checkmark.

The "Rolled" button for the class will display 1) "In Progress" if some grades have been rolled or 2) "Completed" when all grades for the course have been rolled.

Note: the system will log you out if you are idle for ten or more minutes.
9. Additional Information
Final grades are due by the time and on the date listed in the Academic Calendar for Faculty published for the semester.
A "worksheet not available" message will appear when attempting to enter grades outside of the grade entry period.
Instructors can make changes to grades immediately within 240 minutes after entering a grade even if they have clicked "Submit" as long as they are still logged into the portal and before the cut-off time. After the initial 240 minutes, or logging out of the portal, the grades will be final and will be made available to students.
To enter grades after the deadline, or to change a grade, a Change of Grade form from your Dean's office with the Dean's signature is required.
If a student is actively enrolled in your class (shows on the roll with no "W") and never attended, you must submit a grade of "F." In the date field, please list the first day of your class.
It is essential to remember that if a student appears on your roll with a "W" or an "X," do not attempt to enter a grade over the "W" or the "X."
If entering an F or an I for a student, you must enter his or her last date of attendance in the proper format (01/01/2016 - two digit month/two digit date/4 digit year) listed on the sheet.
If a student is granted an "I" for incomplete, it will be changed to the grade of "F" if a grade is not assigned via a Change of Grade form before a specific date, generally around six weeks after the Grade Entry deadline.
The Registrar reopens Grade Entry after the College finals for dual enrollment classes.
For your reference, click on the chevron icon to display "Getting Started" steps and a summary of the "Course Details."

NOTE: To enter grades after the deadline, or to change a grade, a Change of Grade form from your Dean's office with the Dean's signature is required.
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