How To: Set Up "Class" (Add teaching and learning tools to Zoom)

Tags Class

Class Setup

If you are teaching a Live Online course, we encourage you to use Class!  Class works as a Zoom overlay and has many additional teaching and learning features and tools that Zoom alone does not have.  You can find additional information, including a short demo about Class in the Class Toolkit.


Setting up the Canvas Integration

  1. In your Canvas course, click Settings in the course navigation menu.
  2. Enable Class by dragging the Class menu item to the top section.
  3. Drag the Zoom menu item to the bottom section to hide it.
  4. Scroll down and click Save.

5. You should now see Class in your course navigation menu. (If you don't see it, you may have forgotten to click save.)

6. Click Class in the course navigation menu.

7. Click the blue Launch Class button (It is recommended that you launch the desktop version of the Class app rather then the web version.  If you do not have the Class app installed on your computer, please submit a help desk ticket to have it installed.)

8. In the dialog box, click Open Class.

8. If you get a Windows Security Alert, click Allow Access.

9. The Class app will open. (You can leave it open)

10. Go back to your Canvas course and click Class in the navigation menu.

11. Click Edit Class Details on the top right.

12. Enter the Class Name, Description, Passcode, and Start and End times and dates.

13.  Under Advanced Settings turn the waiting room ON and select NO under "Students can join before instructor."

14. Click Save.

15. You should now see a list of scheduled Class meetings in the Upcoming tab.


16. Go back to the Class app.

17. Click Schedule at the top. You should see a calendar of scheduled Class sessions for all of the courses for which you have set up meetings.

Adding the LMS (Canvas) in an Active Class Session

1. In the Class app, go to the Schedule tab. Launch a Class session by selecting a course from the list of courses on the left, then clicking Join on the top right.

2. Click on Teaching Tools.

3. Click Learning Management System.

4. Click Add LMS.

5. Select Canvas from the drop down menu.

6. Type in the LMS URL field and click Save.

7. Click Launch to test. (Note: You will be prompted to log in to Canvas.)


NOTE: The email address that you use to login to to your FSW Zoom account and your primary Canvas email address have to be the same for the Class integration to work properly.




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