How To: Add Labster to a Canvas Course

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Canvas - How to add Labster simulations to your course (LTI 1.3)How to fix Labster issues (Beginning Summer 2022)

How to fix Labster issues (Beginning Summer 2022)

  1. In one section of your course, go to a Labster assignment.
  2. Select the Edit Assignment Settings button for the assignment.
    Canvas assigment settings edit button.
  3. In Submission Type, make sure it is an External Tool with a URL the begins with
  4. UNCHECK the “Load This Tool In A New Tab” box.
    Submission type set as external tool with the new Labster URL and Load in a new window unchecked.
  5. Select the Save button.
  6. A Labster iFrame window will appear under the assignment description, in that window under Choose Your Institution, select Florida SouthWestern State College.
  7. Select the Next button.
    Labster iFrame window below assignment instructions requesting an institution selection.
  8. You should only have to do this in one section.
  9. Labster recommends UNCHECKING the “Load this Tool in A New Window” box for all Labster assignments using the new version (1.3) of the LTI.

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