How To: Use My Media to Save Storage



This guide will walk you through the process of how to use Kaltura's My Media tool to share your lectures and videos without needing to increase your course storage.


Table of Contents

Enable My Media and Media GalleryUploading Videos to My Media Publishing your videos to all your courses' Media Gallery


Enable My Media and Media Gallery

Enable My Media and Media Gallery in your course navigation by taking the following actions.

Note: This will need to be done in each of your courses.

The Kaltura app is already installed and available for all Canvas courses. To enable it for each, do the following steps:

Go to the Course Navigation Menu and click on the "Settings" link.

Image of Course setting button

When the settings page loads, locate and click the "Navigation" tab.

Navigation tab

When the navigation options load, scroll down to the bottom list of items.

(1) Go to the "My Media" link.

(2) Click on the "kabob" ( the three vertical dots icon to the right).

(3) Click on the "Enable" button.

(4) Click the "Save" button at the end.

Image showing My Media and My media Gallery highlighted to enable it withing the course.

You should now see "My Media" listed on the course navigation.

My Media link on the course navigation


Follow the same three steps mentioned above to enable the Media Gallery.  You can also drag "My Media" and "Media Gallery" into the main navigation.


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Uploading Videos to My Media 

Once you have My Media and Media Gallery enabled in the course, you can follow the steps below to upload your lectures or videos to My Media.

Navigate to your Canvas course and click on the "My Media" link.

Image showing the Canvas course navigation highlighting the My Media link

If this is the first time you have ever entered "My Media" within Canvas, you will need to authorize it by clicking "Authorize."

Image showing the location of the authorize button

(1) Once the "My Media" page loads, click on the "Add New" button.

(2) Select the "Media Upload" option from the drop-down menu.

Image showing the Add New and then Media Upload locations

You will see a green button labeled "Choose a file to upload," click on it.

image showing location of Choose a file to upload button

This will present you with a window that you can use to locate the video file on your computer.

Locate and click on the video file you recorded earlier. Then click open or double-click the file to begin the upload process.

(1) You will see a status bar across the top, and it will turn green when it's 100%.

(2) Label it with an identifiable name to quickly locate it later.

(3) Description and Tags are not required for this process.

(4) The next thing you want to ensure is that you have the Private option selected.

(5) Then click on Save.

Upload media window


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Publishing your videos to all your courses' Media Gallery

After you have the videos uploaded to  "My Media," you can post them to all of your courses' Media Gallery at once by taking the following steps.

Navigate to "My Media" by clicking the "My Media" link in your course navigation.

My Media link on the course navigation

Click on the video title you want to publish to all your courses.

Title of the video

When the video loads, scroll down

(1) Locate and click the "Actions" menu.

(2) Select the "Edit" option from the drop-down menu. 

Actions drop-down menu

Follow the steps below once the edit page loads,

(1) Locate and click the link titled, "+ Click to add required metadata for shared repository."

(2) In the drop-down menu that appears, click on it.

 (3) Select the appropriate School. Next, click the "Save" button. 

Then click the "Go To Media" link at the bottom next to "save" after the video has successfully been saved.

(1) When the video loads, scroll down, and on the right, locate and click the "Actions" menu.

(2) Select "Publish" from the drop-down menu.

Actions drop-down menu

The screen will change to the Publish menu options.

(1) Click the radio button titled, "Published - Media page will be visible....." which will reveal "Publish in Gallery."

(2) Locate the radio button(s) to the left of each course you want to publish this video to and click in them to select them (will have a checkmark in them.) Once you have all the courses selected that you wish to publish the video to, scroll down and click on Save.


The video will then get published to all your courses Media Galleries.


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