How To: Get Started with Packback

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FSW is now partnered with Packback the online discussion platform that teaches students how to ask effective, open-ended questions.

Visit the Packback Toolkit for additional resources. 

Table of Contents

Adding a Packback link to a Module in CanvasSetting Up Gradebook Sync in CanvasPackback Faculty ResourcesPackback Support Center


Adding a Packback link to a Module in Canvas

Visit the Adding PackBack to Your Learning Management System (LMS) article for directions on how to to set up the PackBack Tool/Link in your Canvas navigation menu and connect your course to PackBack.


Table of Contents

Setting Up Gradebook Sync in Canvas 

Visit the Setting Up Gradebook Sync in Canvas if you want to have Packback sync to the gradebook built within Canvas.


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Packback Faculty Resources 


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Packback Support Center

Visit the Packback Educator Support Center to get help related to grading and course management.

Submit a Packback request ticket if you run into technical issues.  


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Article ID: 133827
Wed 8/11/21 1:41 PM
Wed 6/26/24 1:28 PM