ProctorU Guide for Faculty: Record+ (Guardian)

Proctor U Logo

Hello and welcome to the FSW Faculty ProctorU Guide!

FSW has added the ProctorU (Record+) service as an additional tool for faculty to leverage. ProcotorU is a remote proctoring solution, and with the Record+ service, you will have trained proctors review your sessions within 72 hours.

We hope this guide helps you get started with leveraging the ProctorU Record+ service and let us know in the comments any suggestions to help improve this article. 


Table of Contents

Create your AccountChrome or Firefox (Required)Install the ProctorU ExtensionEnable ProctorU in CanvasCreate a ProctorU Record+ QuizIncident ReportsProctorU Support Options


Create your Account

Before you can start creating ProctorU exams, you will need to create an account. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: It can take up to 48 business hours to activate a newly created account. 


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Chrome or Firefox (Required)

When you are ready to set up a ProctorU proctored exam, you must use Chrome or Firefox browsers. Either browser is fast, secure, and works on any computer.

Download/Install Chrome

Download/Install Firefox


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Install the ProctorU Extension

Now let's make sure you have the ProctorU extension installed. If you need, please click the link below to install the extension for your browser.



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Enable ProctorU in Canvas

To get started, navigate to your Canvas course that will be using remote proctoring services.

You may need to enable the ProctorU navigational link. 

Click on Settings in the course navigation

image showing location of the settings link in a Canvas course navigation

  1. Click on the Navigation tab across the top
  2. Locate and click the three vertical dots to the right of ProctorU
  3. Click on Enable

process to enable proctor u navigation within a canvas course

Scroll to the bottom and click Save

location of save bottom at bottom of page

You should now see ProctorU in your course navigation.

Image showing proctor u link enabled


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Create a ProctorU Record+ Quiz

At this time, you should have your ProctorU account, browser, extension, and possibly a Canvas Quiz created.

You can create a new Canvas Quiz altogether or take the following steps to Edit an existing quiz to leverage ProctorU services.

To leverage ProctorU with a Canvas quiz, take the following steps:

  • With your quiz created, navigate to the quiz and click on "Edit."
  • You should see your normal Canvas Quiz edit screen, with the addition of the ProctorU Owl icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

ProctorU icon settings location

  • Click on the Owl Icon to get started.
  • Click on Get Started.
  • When prompted, select the "Auto" option under Proctoring Service, then click continue.

Image showing ProctorU Auto service selection option

ProctorU Settings can be customized, or you can leverage the Recommended settings.

proctor u recommended setting toggle image

There is a brief description for each setting you can adjust displayed under each option.

image showing the various proctor u security settings that can be set

Setting up Test-taker resources

If you allow your students to use resources, this is the area you will communicate that to the proctors and your students.

image showing the test-taker resources available for faculty to allow

If you wish to allow your students to use a specific website, you will toggle the Add allowed websites.

Type in the exact website address and click the + sign.

You can have this website launched as soon as the exam begins as well.

image showing how to allow test-takers to use specific websites option

In the additional exam notes option, you place any information necessary to proctor this exam successfully.

Keep in mind; that these notes will be visible to proctors only.

image showing a sample of additional exam notes for Proctors

Next, click on the "Save & Continue" button.              

Save and continue button


Your Contact Information

The next step to creating your ProctorU quiz is to supply your contact information if there is an issue with the quiz.

You will need to provide your Name, Email address, and Telephone number.

If there are specific times you can be contacted, you may also wish to supply that information.

image showing example contact information when creating a Proctor U quiz


Test-taker start notifications

If you wish to be notified via email, text message, or a pop-up on your computer (while you have ProctorU Dashboard website active) when students start your exam, you can enable that here.

Select the option you wish to use, and provide the required information. 

image showing how to get notified when a test taker starts a proctor u exam

The last item we cover is the Incident report notifications. If you would like these quiz incident reports sent to all ProctorU Administrators, toggle the, "Send incident report notifications to specific contacts." On and the list will be auto-populated.

image showing example additional email addresses to send copies to

Click the "Continue" button.

"Continue" button.

Click the "Save & Return to LMS" button once you are done, and you should see a message across the top that Your ProctorU settings have been successfully saved.

review of settings demo image

image showing completed saved successfully message across the top of Canvas page.

You will also receive an email confirmation.


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Incident Reports

As students complete their ProctorU Exam, you will receive Incident Reports within 72 hours. These will be emailed to your FSW Email address.

You can also view them by navigating to the ProctorU link within your course.

location of Proctor U link in canvas course

  1. Clicking on Sessions
  2. Click on Incident Center

image showing the incident center location

You can learn more about reviewing incident report details on ProctorU's support center.

How to Review an Incident Report


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ProctorU Support Options

  • For more in depth-information about ProctorU Support options and guides, please visit their Support Center ProctorU Support Center.
  • If you need immediate assistance, please access your ProctorU Account and use their Live Chat feature OR Call 1-855-772-8678.


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