Table of Contents
Enable Zoom in CanvasLinking Your Zoom AccountAuthorizing ZoomCreating Course MeetingsViewing All Your Zoom Meetings
Enable Zoom in Canvas
The Zoom LTI for Canvas has already been approved for use by the Office of Information Technology. To utilize Zoom in your course, you must enable Zoom in the Course Navigation Menu.
To enable Zoom in Canvas, go to the Settings of your Canvas course at the bottom of your Course Navigation Menu.
In the Course Settings page, at the top of the screen, click on the Navigation Tab.

The Zoom LTI will be in the second (bottom) menu shown on the screen. Click on the three vertical dots beside "Zoom" and select "Enable" or drag the Zoom feature from the bottom menu to the top menu to enable it in your Canvas course. Be sure to click on the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page before navigating away to another part of Canvas, or your changes will not be saved.
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Linking Your Zoom Account
You might receive an error message the first time you enter the application.

This is because your default email linked to your Canvas account does not match the email used in the FSW Zoom account. You can fix this error by changing your default Canvas account email to match the email address used for your Zoom account.
You can find instructions on changing your Canvas email here: How do I change my default email address in my user account as an instructor.
Once the email addresses match, you can open the LTI in Canvas.
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Authorizing Zoom
The first time you successfully open the Zoom LTI (in Canvas), you will have to authorize the application by clicking on the blue "Authorize" button.

Once the application is authorized, the interface will look very similar to your Zoom account when you sign in manually.
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Creating Course Meetings
To set up a meeting for your students in your course:
- Click on the "Schedule a New Meeting" button
- Fill in the data fields of the meeting, such as a descriptive meeting name, date, time, duration, etc.
- If you are using Zoom for recurring meetings, you can create one meeting in Zoom and set that meeting as Recurring. This will allow you to include two or more days a week at the same time, etc. Ex. A class lecture can be scheduled to repeat every Monday and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. until the end of the semester.
- Since the meeting name will display on your calendar in Canvas, it is recommended that you name the meeting with the course name and section number.
- Save your meeting by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
Both your instructor calendar and your students' calendars will automatically populate with all the instances of the meeting with the Zoom meeting link embedded in the calendar information.

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Viewing All Your Zoom Meetings
If you are trying to schedule office hours or appointment times with students, you can click on "All My Zoom Meetings/Recordings", located next to the "Schedule a New Meeting" button.
This will show you as the instructor the various meeting times and dates you already have scheduled in your Zoom account besides the Zoom meetings you have scheduled for that particular course. This will allow you to choose an open time slot and avoid scheduling conflicts.

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