Non-Disclosure Agreement

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College Operating Procedures (COP)


Procedure Title:                          Non-Disclosure Agreement

Procedure Number:                    02-0402

Originating Department:            Technology Services


Specific Authority:


Board Policy

Florida Statute                              1001.65

Florida Administrative Code


Approved:                                    Adopted: 5/12/09; 7/09; 11/14/13, 03/27/20

Purpose Statement:                    Confidential, personal and sensitive data must be protected from   release by non-Florida SouthWestern State College employees.




Individuals who are not employees of Florida SouthWestern State College must  sign and submit the attached form (Non-Disclosure Form)in order to receive access to view confidential college electronic data.




A. Individual requesting access fills out NDA from.

B. If needed, a member of the Information Technology Department (“IT”) will complete additional information on the NDA request form.

C. The data access requestor will electronically sign and return the Agreement.T

D. The IT department head or designee will sign the Agreement for the College.

E. IT will maintain a central file of completed forms.

F.  IT will ensure that the access is discontinued on or before the final access date listed on the Agreement.

G. Non-Disclosure Agreement, Form Non-Disclosure Form


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