QM Online Workshop Enrollment Request

Florida Quality Matters Initiative

Florida SouthWestern State College is a Quality Matters (QM) subscriber and a partner in the Florida Quality Matters Initiative. The Florida Quality Matters Initiative provides faculty and staff from participating institutions information and resources to promote quality course design and to build collaborative relationships and shared expertise through statewide collaboration. The primary goal is to improve the quality of courses and learning experiences for students in online and blended courses.

QM Workshops and Certification Courses

As a QM subscribing institution there are a number of online professional development opportunities for you to engage in. Upon approval of this request, the College will cover the expense of the online workshop or courses listed below. Both full-time and adjunct faculty are encouraged to participate in all workshops and certification courses. Full-time faculty may complete the certification courses for an incentive as outlined in the Collective Negotiations Agreement 2019-2021 (Article 8.1.C and Appendix B, Item M).

Eligible Online Workshops

These workshops will earn a certificate of completion, but are not certification courses. Review the descriptions for these workshops on the QM Workshops website.

  1. Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)
  2. Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
  3. Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery (TOL)
  4. Creating Presence in Your Online Course
  5. Browse other workshop options for special requests: QM Workshops

Eligible Online Certification Courses ($$ incentive)

These courses will earn a QM Certification that allows you to serve in a QM Role. Review the descriptions for the Courses for QM Roles.  

  1. Higher Ed Peer Reviewer Course (PRC)
  2. Master Reviewer Certification (MRC)
  3. APPQMR Face-to-Face Facilitator Certification (AFFC)

Your Commitment

Online QM Workshops and Certification Courses range in cost from $150-$300. The College will cover the cost of the workshop or course if you agree to the following statements on the request form. 

  1. I have read and understand the time commitment and expectations of the QM workshop or course I wish to enroll in.
  2. I agree that if I do not complete the workshop or course I will be financially responsible for the cost of the workshop or course. 
  3. I have read and understand QM's Cancellation Policy and that I must cancel my registration before the workshop start date or request  to be rescheduled.

Use the "Request Enrollment" button on this page and complete the required fields to request approval for enrollment. 

Request Enrollment

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