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    This article will walk you through the steps to set up and configure the USB Dongle / Security Key to meet the Multi-Factor Authentication requirements for FSW system access. The security key is needed anytime you need to log in to an FSW system and will need to be carried with you. Security key utilizes NFC for mobile device authentication access.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    Information Security is Everyone’s Concern. IT Security awareness means understanding the various threats that exist in one's environment and taking reasonable steps to guard against them. Studies show that most breaches of computer security are the result of something a computer user did or failed to do. Be sure to take the time to read all of the materials on this site carefully.
    This article addresses FERPA concerns when recording a Zoom session. Learn how to protect the privacy rights of students and other participants.