
Computers allow the on-screen text of articles, web pages, and other electronic documents to be spoken aloud. Some websites even have this feature enabled by default to provide audio of the text. Numerous free tools are available to convert text to speech, below is a very brief list of some of these tools and their functionality. These tools can be used with the FSW Library Databases for PDF articles, most database providers have a text to speech feature for HTML articles.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - Is available on all FSW computers and offers a text-to-speech feature called "Read Out Loud" accessed through the top menu option "View":

- Alternative Formats - Panorama provides Alternative formats for Canvas pages and course files. Alternative formats are available for all Canvas courses.
- Microsoft Office 365 (use your FSW email address to log in) - Many of the Office 365 applications available on FSW computers and online offer text-to-speech with the "Read Aloud" option available either under the "Review" tab or "View" tab. Another helpful feature is Microsoft's Immersive Reader, also available in the Office 365 Online offerings. Microsoft Office 365 is available to all current FSW students, staff, faculty, and administration.
Browser Extensions
Google Chrome
- Read&Write for Google Chrome™ - Read&Write is a subscription text-to-speech resource that requires a license that is available to all current FSW Students with registered accommodations. Please contact Adaptive Services to request access.
Note on Read&Write Use for Testing
The Read&Write software, either installed on an individual's computer or accessed through the Google Chrome Browser extension, is quite a powerful set of assistive technology tools. While Adaptive Services will make every effort to communicate which settings are appropriate based on their accommodations to the students for testing sessions, we want to provide you with acceptable views of the toolbar and features which will not impact exam integrity.
Hover Speech - Will provide text to speech based on the users mouse cursor hovering.
Text to Speech controls - Allow the user to have the software read aloud webpage content, such as test questions and choices, where the word is both highlighted and spoken.
Screenshot Reader - Allows the user to have images of text or inaccessible PDFs read aloud after the text has been recognized by Read&Write.
Screen Masking - Provides a visual "ruler" across the screen to better focus on a line or multiple lines of text.
Talk and Type - Allows users to dictate what they speak aloud to text.
An example of what the full toolbar should look like while testing is below. Please note, not all students may need to use the Talk and Type feature to take their exams, but for those who need to type with their voice as an accommodation will have it enabled.

To adjust the features available before testing, students should consult the "Can I hide or move features on the Read&Write for Google Chrome toolbar?" TextHelp support article and remove the following features. Similar steps are available for the installed versions of Read&Write.
- Check It
- Prediction
- Dictionary
- Picture Dictionary
- Audio Maker
- Web search
- Translator
- Yellow highlight
- Green highlight
- Blue highlight
- Pink highlight
- Clear highlights
- Collect highlights
- Vocabulary
- Simplify page
- Rewordify
- Voice Note
- Practice Reading Aloud