Dyslexia Resources

Randomly spilled small white tiles with large black letters printed on them.

Numerous text to speech apps and browser add-ons are available to help along with built-in options within Canvas. Within Canvas, select the Alternative Formats button for pages and files. Two alternative formats that may be helpful are the Audio MP3 version and BeeLine Reader. Also available is the setting within Canvas to enable Microsoft's Immersive Reader for Canvas Pages.

Another alternative is installing the OpenDyslexic font. The OpenDyslexic font is open source and available for download. The OpenDyslexic font can be installed directly to a computer to change the operating system default for easier reading on personal computers and Google Chrome Extension and Mozilla FireFox Add-In to display all text within the web browser in the OpenDyslexic font. Below are instructions for font installation to your personal computer or computers where Administrative Permissions have been granted.

  1. Download the OpenDyslexic font zip file (the main website links to dafont.com)
  2. Unpack or extract the zip file's contents:
    • Windows: Right-click the zip file within the folder for your downloads and select the "Extract all..." option.
    • Mac: Double-click the zip file within the folder for your downloads and wait for a new folder to appear.
  3. Install the font:
    • Windows: Open the new folder containing the font files, there should be nine (9) different variants of the same "otf" font file. Select all of the fonts within the folder and right-click them and select "Install." This will require the administrator to place in their password to complete the installation.
    • Mac: Open the new folder containing the font files, double-click one or more of the files in the folder to install.

Note: Font installation is not required for the browser extension or add-in to work properly for web content, it is only required if the user would like their clock, menu bars, window text, etc... displayed with the dyslexic font.

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