UDOIT - Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool

UDOIT - Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool logo.

Learning Technologies at Florida SouthWestern State College is proud to present UCF's Center for Distributed Learning Canvas grant-winning Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool, pronounced, "You Do It." FSW Learning Technologies began to pilot and use UDOIT in December 2018 and it is available for all Faculty to install in each of their Canvas courses.

UDOIT will scan your individual course content authored within Canvas much like the built-in accessibility checker for the Rich Content Editor. UDOIT generates a report for the content of a whole course, not just individual rich text fields. Files uploaded to Canvas created in Microsoft Office or Exported as PDFs will not be scanned for accessibility by UDOIT. Those programs have their own accessibility checkers available to use. The report provides basic suggestions on how to correct the common accessibility issues identified. Many of the issues can be fixed within the report using the "U FIX IT!" option.

To install UDOIT in an individual course:

  1. Login to Canvas.
  2. Select a current or future course section.
  3. On the course's navigation bar, select "Settings".
  4. Select the "Navigation" tab.
  5. Drag UDOIT up from the bottom group of available options.
  6. Select the "Save" button.

UDOIT will now be available on the course's navigation and only visible to users with a "Teacher" role in the course. The tool has a very simple interface: two tabs under the logo named "Scan Course" and "View Old Reports". On the "Scan Course" default tab, selecting the "What does U​​​​​​​DOIT look for?" button will open a comprehensive list with accessibility issues and suggestions for how to fix them. Further down there is a "Scan This Course" button which will take a few moments to generate the course report.

To expand each section of the report select the plus button. Selecting the title next to the plus button will open the actual scanned page or item and not expand the report section. The initial expandable section of the report will be the "Report Summary" for a general idea of what issues were found and the total amount of each. Sections containing no issues will have a friendly green message.

Pages that have suggestions or errors will be expandable, selecting the plus button will expand the report providing the error and the "U FIX IT!" button to correct and save changes directly from the report. If you are having difficulties with making changes or have questions about accessibility please contact FSW's Learning Technologies Office. After making changes another scan may be run to see if any issues were not addressed.

Past reports ran for the individual course will appear on the second tab named "View Old Reports" selecting an old report will show the issues and suggestions for that scan, these reports are available to monitor improvements made in resolving issues. The "U FIX IT!" option is not available in old reports.


Article ID: 67184
Wed 11/14/18 7:17 AM
Tue 5/9/23 5:00 PM

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