How To: Run a Degree Audit/Evaluation



In this guide, you will learn how to run a Degree Audit through the Student Profile area of your MyFSW Portal. The content is available in video format (above) or as written steps with screenshots (below).


You can go to MyFSW, or you can access MyFSW by clicking on "MyFSW" on the FSW home page.

Yellow box around the "MyFSW" button.


Once you log in, you will be brought to the "Home" page of your MyFSW account. Locate the "Registration and Student Profile" card, and then click on the "Student Profile" link.

Yellow box around the "Student Profile" link.


On the "Student Profile" page, you will want to click the link located on the left-hand navigation area labeled "Degree Evaluation".

Yellow box around the "Degree Evaluation" link.


On the "Degree evaluation record" page, you will see a brief overview of information about your current curriculum, and you will be presented with the option to select the program you are interested in running an evaluation on.

The "Degree evaluation record" page.


Fill in the circle to the left of the program you want to audit.

Yellow box around the "Program" option.


Then, select the appropriate term in the drop down box.

Yellow box around the "Select a Term" section.


Finally, click "Generate New Evaluation".

Yellow box around the "Generate New Evaluation" button.


The information should load and allow you to view in an organized manner the remaining requirements you currently need to earn that degree. This page can be printed directly from the browser if you would like a physical record.

The "Degree evaluation record" page, showing the "Program Description" section.


Be sure to speak with your academic advisor for assistance with interpreting your degree audit or if you have any questions about it.



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