How To: View Your Student Profile

In this video, we will guide you through the various areas and features of the Student Profile section on the FSW website. 

The content is available in video format (above) or as written steps with screenshots (below).

You can go to MyFSW, or you can access MyFSW by clicking on "MyFSW" on the FSW home page

Image showing "MyFSW" link.

Once logged in, navigate to the "Registration and Student Profile" card. 

"Registration and Student Profile" card.

Click on the "Student Profile" link.

Red box around the "Student Profile" link.

Student Profile

When the "Student Profile" page first loads, you will see the “Curriculum and Courses” section by default. This area displays all of your personal information along with your current program enrollments.

"Student Profile" page.

Changing the Term

You can change the displayed term in the top left corner of the Curriculum and Courses section.

Red box around the term dropdown.

This is great for looking up your history or to find specific enrollment information from a previous term. 

Note: Please note that if there are multiple terms open for enrollment, you will need to ensure you are viewing the appropriate terms’ information. The default is for the future most term, so make sure you are looking at the correct term if the information doesn’t appear to be accurate.

Red box around the term dropdown options.

Academic Status

You can check your academic standing to the right of the "Term" section.

This area gives you a quick view of your current academic status.

Red box around the "Standing" section.

View Overall Hours and GPA

Further right, you will find your Overall Hours and Overall GPA displayed. These show the total number of credit hours and your GPA.

Red box around "Overall Hours" and "Overall GPA" section.

 Check Notifications

1) The second-to-last item on the top row is the notifications section.

2) Click on "Registration Notices" to see any current registration notices about your overall academic standing, student status, and enrollment status.

Red boxes around the "Registration Notices" dropdown and options.

Review Holds Notifications

1) The last item on the top row is the holds notification area.

2) Click on the "Holds" menu to learn more about your account's hold(s). If there are any holds on your account (such as a financial or administrative hold), they will be listed here.

Red boxes around the "Holds" dropdown and options.

View Curriculum Hours and GPA

1) In the "Curriculum, Hours, & GPA" section, you can find information about your current primary degree, program, and major that you’re enrolled for.

Red box around "Primary" tab.

2) If you have a secondary major, you can also click on the "Secondary" tab to see that information.

Red box around the "Secondary" tab.

Explore Your Hours and GPA Breakdown

The "Hours & GPA" tab shows your total GPA, separated by institution and overall GPA types.

Red box around the "Hours & GPA" tab.

 Contact Your Advisor

At the bottom of your biographical information display, you will find your current advisor(s).

To contact your advisor, simply click their name to open their contact information.

Green arrow pointing to the advisor's name, and red box around the advisor's contact information.

View Earned Degrees and Graduation Date

You can also see a list of any earned FSW degrees and your expected graduation date in this section.

Red box around the "Graduation Information" section.

Additional Links

Additional links can be located on the left-hand side of the Student Profile page.

Red box around the additional links.


With these steps, you'll understand how to navigate and manage your student profile on the FSW website.


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