Recruit Prospect Loads: ACT/SAT Test Scores & ISIR

How to Load ACT/SAT Test Scores and ISIR Records into Recruit

Pre-implementation Setup

Please keep in mind that implementing this process will impact other areas i.e. Testing Services, etc. who rely on test scores as part of their business processes.

The ACT/SAT scores will continue to be loaded into Banner (SOATEST) weekly until the switch is made to load them into Recruit, which will require considering and addressing the following, to name a few, prior to implementation:

  • Planning and preparing for the launch
  • Address current Banner test score load process
  • More duplicates to process
  • How will this impact existing communication plans?
  • When to send scores over to Banner: applied vs. admitted, etc.?
  • ACT/SAT scores for students who have not inquired and/or applied would also load
  • Ongoing maintenance of Recruit “Active Academic Term Mappings”
  • IT to setup location where Admissions can access files (.csv files from FASTER)
  • Ongoing maintenance of RORINTR (Financial Aid Integration Rules) to process new aid years

Address Testing Services’ concerns:

  • We will be impacted in our ability to determine if ACT/SAT scores can be used for placement and to remove the TE Hold.
  • Our daily “Applicants Meeting Full, Partial, and No Testing Requirements” report which generates a manual next-steps email to the student with ACT/SAT scores and the TE hold manually removed will also be impacted.
  • We may end up scheduling students for testing who do not need to test because of passing scores on the ACT/SAT. If scores not found in Banner yet, we may not be able to determine correct placement.
  • If a student complains they already submitted scores and we cannot find them in Banner, they will have to come in person (or schedule a remote Zoom appointment) to submit scores yet again so we can determine placement and remove the TE hold.


The ACT and SAT text files must be in the following format to be imported into Excel, saved as a .csv file, and imported into Recruit:

How to Load Test Scores into Recruit

From the Imports screen

Import Management section

Select Import Test Scores

  • Test Score Data Import window will open
  • Select the most recent contract for which you are loading, i.e. ACT test scores 2020 or SAT test scores 2022
  • Then Choose the .csv file
  • The data will then display as a preview

  • Ensure that the required field of Academic Level is selected
  • The record count is correct
  • And that all the data in the preview looks correct and is in the correct fields
  • Once you have validated that the data appears correct
  • Click SUBMIT
  • The preview window will disappear and you will see a message that the test score data was successfully submitted for import

  • You can click on the blue hyperlink “click here to view the import progress”
  • This will open another window – My imports
  • You can see the status of the records, i.e. Successes, partial failures, errors and Total processed

  • You can double click on your import name
  • This opens the Test Score Staging Records
  • Where you can review and troubleshoot any failures and errors
  • On the left navigation you will see several options
    • Test Score Staging Records Fully Imported
    • Test Score Staging Records Partially Imported
    • Failures
    • System Jobs

  • Test Score Staging Records Fully Imported – will be all the records that loaded successfully
  • Test Score Staging Records Partially Imported – I have not seen any records here before
  • Failures – would be records that are for example duplicates

  • And system jobs show the three different stages of the test score load
    • 1. Import
    • 2. Transform parse data
    • 3. Import file Parse.


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