Email Communication Request Form

Below are the requirements and guidelines for requesting an email communication—please read them carefully.

Questions pertaining to the emailing guidelines should be sent to Kaci Brito at

Lead-time Requirements 

Email communication requests require at least two weeks to prepare the list and design the email. Any changes to the scope, audience, artwork, or content of an email message after submitting the request may cause delays to the original deployment date due to additional work required to complete the request. Your requested send date is contingent on already scheduled emails and availability on the calendar. 

Request Process: 

  1. Requestors must use the email communication request form to submit their information and related materials. 

  1. Each request must have the following: 

  1. Email Platform 

  1. Desired send date(s) and time 

  1. Email Subject 

  1. Email from/reply-to address 

  1. Recipient Email Type 

  1. Dynamic population list criteria or static population list 

  1. Template Selection 

  1. Content and photos, videos, URLs, and other graphical elements must be provided to the IT team before any email can be produced. Materials must be provided via attachments in the request form. 

It is the responsibility of the requester to keep in contact with the IT communications team regarding any possible adjustments to content, audience, schedule, or other aspects of the project which can or will affect the original timeline. 

It is the requester's responsibility to provide timely edits to any drafts and prompt approval of any drafts to keep the project on the original distribution schedule. 

Approval Process 

The email proof will be sent to the requestor’s FSW email listed on the ticket request. You will receive a test of the email with the ticket number in the subject line. Do not reply to this email with feedback or approvals. Instead, reply to the ticket with your feedback. (Also, note that TEST emails sometimes land in your Other inbox, so check there as well.) 

Link to PDF Templates Selection 

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Article ID: 154994
Tue 4/18/23 3:56 PM
Tue 4/18/23 3:59 PM