Guided Pathways


Create options for students to select their Academic and Career Pathways as a part of FSW's implementation of Guided Pathways.

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If student selects Academic Program = “AA General Studies”, they will see “Area of Academic Interest” (Program Map)

  • If they select “Other” as the “Area of Academic Interest” (Program Map), they will then see “Other Area of Academic Interest” (Pathways)

Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major will be mapped in Recruit and need to come over to Banner via PL/SQL.

  • If they select an “Area of Academic Interest” (Program Map) that’s not “Other”, they will not see “Other Area of Academic Interest” (Pathways)

Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major will be mapped in Recruit and need to come over to Banner via PL/SQL.

If student selects an Academic Program (something other than “AA General Studies”), they will not be prompted to select “Area of Academic Interest” (Program Map) or “Other Area of Academic Interest” (Pathways)

  • Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major will be mapped in Recruit and need to come over to Banner via PL/SQL.

Note:  Meta Major is mapped behind the scenes; student will never see it.



Recruit Application Fields

Program Map:  FSW_Academic_Pathways1

  • This is dynamic field only visible when the student selects “AA General Studies” from Academic Programs

Pathway:  FSW_Academic_Pathways2

  • This is a dynamic field only visible when the student selects “Other” from FSW_Academic_Pathways1

Recruit Opportunity

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Recruit Workflow

The “FSW Application Submitted Actions” workflow evaluates the following scenarios:

  1. Student selects “Academic Program”, not “AA General Studies”
    • This automatically maps the Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major
  1. Student selects “AA General Studies” from “Academic Program”
    • FSW_Academic_Pathways1 is visible
    • Student selects “Program Map”, not “Other”
    • Pathway and Meta Major are automatically mapped
  1. Student selects “AA General Studies” as “Academic Program”
    • FSW_Academic_Pathways1 is visible
    • Student selects “Other” as Program Map
    • FSW_Academic_Pathways2 is visible
    • Student selects Pathway
    • Meta Major automatically are mapped

PL/SQL Fields

  1. Academic Program: elcn_academicprogramofinterestid
  2. Program Map:  fsw46_fsw_academic_pathways1
  3. Pathway:  fsw46_fsw_pathway
  4. Meta Major:  fsw46_fsw_meta_major

The “Extracurricular Activity Types” Recruit entity is used to crosswalk all AA GENR > Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major combinations in Recruit.

The “Academic Programs” Recruit entity is used to crosswalk all non “AA GENR” all possible AA GENR > Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major combinations in Recruit.



SRARICC (Recruiter Integration Curriculum Crosswalk) integrates Recruit and Banner by Academic Program. Whenever a new program is added to Recruit, it must be added here first. Banner will autogenerate a sequence number and that sequence number is added to Recruit in the “Academic Programs” entity.

All possible AA GENR > Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major combinations are cross-walked on SZAPWCW (Pathways Crosswalk Maintenance). SZAPWCW, which is used to make Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major updates i.e. addition of new pathways, inactivation of existing ones, etc., currently pulls active programs from SMAPROG by the maximum effective term.

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SZAAPWY (Pathways Student Applications) is used by advisors to make curriculum changes and will keep historical data (with most recent record at the top). This page displays curriculum for the most recent application and maintains historical changes.

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The Program Map > Pathway > Meta Major combination values are pulled from STVORIG (Originator Code Validation) so Program Map, Pathway, and Meta Major MUST first exist in STVORIG in order to be used in the crosswalk, SZAPWCW.

Note:   When inserting new values in STVORIG, please follow the naming formats as follows:

Program Map = 4 alpha characters prefaced with ‘PM’ i.e. PMAD
Meta Major = 2 characters prefaced with ‘M’ and a number as the second i.e. M1
Pathway = 2 alpha characters prefaced with ‘P’ as first letter i.e. PB

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