In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the Client Portal College Service page on the Office of Information Technology website and show you how to view your submitted college service requests (tickets).
Table of Contents
Overview of the Client Portal College Services pageView your requests (tickets) Exporting your service request data to an Excel sheet to track and filter data Viewing a specific service request (ticket)
Overview of the Client Portal College Services page
By visiting the Client Portal College Service website, you can access the following items:
1) In the left-hand column, you can access and request various services by clicking on the name of the department that service falls under.
2) In the right-hand column, you will find options to take action on your services and other helpful resources.

Table of Contents
View your requests (tickets)
To view your requests, click the “View My Open Requests" button on the right-hand side.

Exporting your service request data to an Excel sheet to track and filter data
You can export your service request data to an Excel sheet for convenient viewing, tracking, and filtering by following the steps below:
1) Drop down the box next to Status Class.

2) Check the box next to "[Select all]".
![Check the box next to "[Select all]".](https://fsw.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=d6519adf-6460-432f-8b13-6bc516f2ae35.png&beidInt=288)
3) Click the "To Excel" button at the top.

An Excel sheet titled "MyTicketRequests" (followed by the download date) will then download to your computer.
5) To view the Excel sheet that you downloaded, open the file explorer on your computer, (A) go to the "Downloads" folder, and (B) double click on the Excel sheet that downloaded.

6) Within the Excel sheet, you can track and filter through your request (ticket) data by categories such as ID, Title, Acct/Dept, Service, Status, Requester, Date Modified, and more.

Viewing a specific service request (ticket)
To view a specific service request (ticket), please follow the steps below:
1) On the "Ticket Requests" page, use the filters to narrow down your search for a specific ticket.

2) Then, click the "Search" button at the top of the page.

3) Lastly, scroll down and click on the title of the ticket you would like to view.

You can now view and interact with the specific service request (ticket).

1) The status of the ticket.
2) Within this section, you will find:
- The request (ticket) title.
- The Service Request ID. (Please provide us with this ID number to expedite your call).
- Buttons to add an attachment to the request, add an alert to the request, or open the request in TDNext.
3) Details: Within the "Details" section, you will find:
- The Account/Department the requestor is under.
- The service type.
- The source of the request (ticket).
- The date and time the request (ticket) was created, and the name of the user that created the request (ticket).
- The date and time the request (ticket) was last modified, and the name of the user that last modified the request (ticket).
- The "Start" date of the work on the request (ticket).
- The campus where the issue resides.
4) Feed: The "Feed" section will display any comments or updates made on the request (ticket).
5) Attachments: Within the "Attachments" section, you can upload attachments to the request (ticket) and view attachments that have been added to the request (ticket).
6) Read By: The "Read By" section will display who has viewed the ticket and the date and time they viewed the ticket.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact the FSW Technology Center by emailing helpdesk@fsw.edu or by calling 239-489-9202.
Table of Contents