Flex Technology Spaces

Tags Flex

Unless listed directly below, all classrooms at FSW (172 classrooms thus far) have been updated to at least the first tier of the new FLEX standards of classroom technology for enhanced modality selection.  There will always be certain spaces that are more conducive to a particular discipline's purposes and slightly distinct with the technology installed, but overall any space should be similarly equiped on the instruction side of the room technology to allow for the broadest general use.  These spaces below will require further time and resources to reach our goal to also have them meet the minimum tier of the new FLEX standard for technology.


  • B – 105, 106 (Tutoring spaces - not currently scheduled in Banner/25Live - prewired for FLEX tier 1)
  • B - 116 (Library space - not currently scheduled in Banner/25Live - prewired for FLEX tier 1)
  • O – 116,117,118,124 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)


  • J – 103,104 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)
  • J - 204E (Tutoring space - not currently scheduled in Banner/25Live - prewired for FLEX tier 1)
  • M – 201 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)


  • A – 102,105 (previously used as temporary office space - currently being worked on with various outside trades for Spring 2024 use)


  • AA – 177 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)
  • AA - 225 (currently being used for storage - prewired for FLEX tier 1)
  • J – 103 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)
  • J - 204,206,326 (Tutoring spaces - not currently scheduled in Banner/25Live - prewired for FLEX tier 1)
  • K - Currently being remodeled (will have 11 FLEX Classrooms and 1 Lab/Class)
  • L – 106 (space currently being re-outfitted for specific use to include maker equipment)
  • L - 107*,109*,110*,116*,120*,124A*,125*,126*,130*,141* (mixed classrooms/labs that require major renovations of the space to achieve even the minimum FLEX standard tier 1)
  • U – 102 (Multipurpose space that requires slightly different technology and some outside contractor involvement to accomplish)



Additionally, here is the combined list of all spaces (most of which are at least tier 1 of the FLEX technology standard with some others being tier 2 or 3) that have received the technology enhancements to provide enhanced modality usage, so far.  They are grouped by site, then by building.

Charlotte (Total Flex = 29) also (*Lab/Class - 8)

  • C – 101,102/103
  • D - 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,201,202,203,204,206,207,209,210
  • E – 101*,102,105,109,113,114
  • G – 101*,102,107,108,115,116
  • J – 114*


Collier (Total Flex = 46) also (*Lab/Class - 2)

  • A - 109,111,113,114
  • B – 114,115,116,118
  • E – 101,102,103,108,109,121,122,201,202,203,204,207,216,217,218,219
  • F – 101
  • G – 105,106
  • J – 116,119,120,125,126,127,215*
  • N – 102,103,114,116,122+,148,203,204,205,208,209*,211,212


Hendry (Total Flex = 13)

  • A – 101,103,104,106,107,109,110,112,113,117,118 
  • B – 111,112


Lee (Total Flex = 84) also (*Lab/Class - 13)

  • A – 102, 103,105,114,141,142,201,202,206,208,209,211,215
  • AA – 161,165,168,172,173,174,175,177+,216,221,225!
  • B – 102,105*,113,114,115,132,134B
  • C – 101,102
  • H – 117,118,120,126,212,213,214,215,216,217,218
  • L – 105,108,119B,138,140
  • N – 202,203,204,205,206,207,208,210,211,212,214,215,216
  • O – 201,202,203,204,205*
  • P – 101,102,103
  • S – 202*
  • U – 106,107,109,110,117,118,119,120,205,206,207,209,210,217,218,219,220
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