
H5P Logo
H5P is an interaction authoring site that allows users to create interactive presentations and fun activities for their courses and embed the content straight into Canvas. This article will outline how users can set up their accounts so that they can seamlessly and easily create H5P interactions and embed that content into Canvas. Please note that FSW has limited the permissions of use to only interactions that can be made completely accessible for students and other users.
Table of Contents
Creating Your Account Within CanvasLogging Into for the First TimeInserting H5P Content into CanvasH5P Resources
Creating Your Account Within Canvas
Faculty are required to access H5P in Canvas at first so that their account is created under the FSW license.
Navigating to H5P in Canvas
Please utilize the following steps to access H5P within Canvas.
- Open any Canvas course in which you have a "Teacher" role
- This includes your Sandbox course or Course Development shells
- It is not recommended that you create content within an Active Semester Course
- Access any Rich Content Editor, available in any Canvas Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc.
- Navigate to and click on the "Apps" menu option within the Rich Content Editor
- The icon for this feature looks like an outlet plug-in
- Depending on the size of your screen, you may have to click on the three vertical dots at the far-right end of the Rich Content Editor menu in order to see this option
- Click "View All" to see all the available Apps that can be used in Canvas.
- The full list of available options will be listed in alphabetical order
- Your most viewed options will be visible in the drop-down menu automatically
- Click on the Interactive Content - H5P in the drop-down menu

Creating H5P Content in Canvas
It is possible to create and edit H5P interactions right in Canvas.
To begin creating interactions click on the "Add Content" button in the upper left-hand corner of the window that opens after you click on the "Interactive Content - H5P" menu option. This will open up a list of the type of interaction options you can create. Simply choose the one you would like to use, build the content, and save accordingly.

Table of Contents
Logging Into for the First Time
While you are able to build H5P content within Canvas, you are not able to use the full screen to create and edit your interactions.
For ease of use, once you have created your H5P account through Canvas, you can log into to build or edit your interactions before you are ready to implement them.
Identifying Your Default Canvas Email
To ensure that your H5P interactions can seamlessly integrate into Canvas, you must use the same email address that was used to create your account in Canvas to log into
To identify the default email that was used in Canvas, utilize the following steps.
- In Canvas, click on your Account image found at the top of the Global Navigation menu on the left-hand side of Canvas.
- This will be located right above your Dashboard button
- In the pop-out menu that appears, click on "Settings"
- On the right-hand side of your screen look at your email addresses used in Canvas under the "Ways to Contact" section
- The email address with the star next to it is your default email address

Logging Into
Utilize the following steps to log into to build H5P interactions.
- Navigate to
- Type in your default Canvas email into the email address box and click "Next"
- You will receive a message indicating that you are logging into H5P for the first time and will be prompted to set a password via email for your account
- Use the email sent to your default email to set your password, and log into H5P.
As in Canvas, you can begin building content in by clicking on the blue "Add Content" button.
Table of Contents
Inserting H5P Content into Canvas
The content you create while in and the content created within Canvas are linked to the same account. You will be able to create and/or edit content in either location and view that material in the other location.
Once you have finished creating your H5P interaction, utilize the following steps to insert your interaction into Canvas.
- Navigate to the Canvas Page, Assignment, etc. you would like the interaction to be located
- Click "Edit" to access the Rich Content Editor
- Navigate to the Interactive Content - H5P App (please review steps above)
- Locate the interaction of your choice within the list of interactions you have created
- Note: you can create folders to organize your interactions as desired
- Click the green "Insert" button next to the interaction you would like to embed into Canvas
- Click "Save" within Canvas to view the embedded interaction.
Please note that if you edit and save existing interactions, the content of those interactions will be updated in all of the pages in which you have inserted the interaction. It is a best practice to avoid updating content used in live courses during the semester and make changes in between semesters.

Table of Contents
H5P Resources
Table of Contents