Finance Plain & Simple - Year End Roll Processes


If you look on the Year End Maintenance form (FGAYRLM), you will see a list of five year end processes that you can run.  The order of the processes listed on FGAYRLM is the order that processes should be completed.


Banner Finance Plain and Simple - Year End Roll Processes

created  (edited ) in Banner Finance


Last month we talked about getting ready for the year end roll and this month we will go over the roll processes available at year end.  If you look on the Year End Maintenance form (FGAYRLM), you will see a list of five year end processes that you can run.  The order of the processes listed on FGAYRLM is the order that processes should be completed.  We will go over each of these at a high level, to help understand what each of them do.

Balance Forward

Process: Balance Forward Process (FGRGLRL)

This roll adds together the control accounts and fund balances in the old year and uses that to create the opening fund balances in the new year.  It also brings forward asset and liability balances into the new year and opens your accrual period.  Once it has been run, any transactions in your old year will automatically update the opening balances in the new year.  It is helpful to run this in audit mode ahead of time to identify any errors that may need to be fixed in advance.

HR Labor Encumbrances

Process: Roll HR Labor Encumbrances Process (FGRLENC)

If you are using multi-year encumbering, this process will close the labor encumbrances in the old year and roll them forward into the new year. This process will also close any labor encumbrances that are not multi-year.  The labor encumbrance carry forward does not need to be run in the order listed on FGAYRLM.  This process will require you to run FGRTRNI to post.

Roll Encumbrances

Process: End-of-Year Encumbrance Carry Forward Process (FGRENRL)

This process brings forward your open encumbrances in your prior year into your new year.  All open encumbrances, even if they are zero will be rolled forward into the new year. You can choose whether you want budgets to be brought forward to cover these encumbrances as well.  We often run into issues with these postings because of zero encumbrances that are trying to post to inactive CFOAPAL elements.  This process will require you to run FGRTRNI to post.

Budget Carry Forward

Process: End-of-Year Budget Carry Forward Process (FGRBDRL)

If you use budgets to allocate funding, the budget roll will bring forward any remaining budget from the old year into the new year.  This only includes budget not already rolled in conjunction with the encumbrance roll.  This process will require you to run FGRTRNI to post.

Close Operating Accounts

Process: Close Operating Accounts Process (FGRCLOP)

This process will close the control accounts, fund additions, and fund deductions accounts in the old year into old year fund balance account codes.  For this process to post, inactive funds will need to be made active.  This process will require you to run FGRTRNI to post.

This provides an overview of the processes related to the year end rolls. If you are interested in additional details or step-by-step instructions, consult the Finance User Guide for your version.




Article ID: 163791
Wed 9/4/24 9:53 AM
Thu 1/30/25 3:20 PM