FSW Mandatory Student Attendance Verification
The purpose of this mandatory attendance verification quiz is to ensure that you, as a student at Florida SouthWestern State College, have thoroughly reviewed and understood the course syllabus. The syllabus is a fundamental document that outlines the objectives, expectations, assessment methods, and policies for this course. This quiz is designed to emphasize the importance of being fully informed about the course structure and requirements, ultimately contributing to your success in the course.
- The quiz will always be due on the attendance verification due date for that term (found on the college calendar).
- The quiz will only be available for 14 days after the first day of classes. After that time, the quiz will be locked and students will not be able to complete it.
*Please note that student attendance must be verified in order to receive federal financial aid.
- Click the Attendance Verification course navigation menu link:
- Your To-Do List will have a quiz titled “!! First-Week Check-in: Confirm Attendance in This Course !!” for each course you are enrolled in.
- Quiz: Read the instructions, scroll down, and click the Take Quiz button.
- Answer all of the quiz questions, then click the Submit Quiz button.
- Repeat for each class that you are enrolled in.