Leave Approvals (Required for Approvers)


Table of Contents

Navigate to Pay, Benefits, and Time OffApproving Leave RequestsApproving Leave Reports

Navigate to Pay, Benefits, and Time Off

To start, go to the Portal Login screen. You can do this by navigating to https://my.fsw.edu/. Alternatively, you can access the Portal login by clicking "Portal" on the FSW home page. 

Image with the Portal link outlined

Sign in to the Portal

  1. Type your Username.
  2. Type your portal Password.
  3. Click the "Sign In" button.

Login into the Portal

After you have logged into your Portal, locate and click on the "Employee Services" tab.

Employee services tab image

Under the Employee Services tab and within the Employee Web Banner Services group, locate and click the "Pay, Benefits, Tax, and Time Off" button.

pay benefits tax and time off button location image

Approving Leave Request

From the Employee Dashboard, locate and click on the link titled "Approve Leave Request."

Location of approve leave requests link

You can filter by several options across the top using the drop-down menus. 

location of filtering options

Click on the Awaiting Link from the calendar to get started with the approval process of a pending request.

location of awaiting approval link on calendar

Locate a pending request in the Pending row and click on their name to review it.

demonstrating to click the employee's name

  1. If you want to return the request for correction, click the Return for correction button.
  2. You can view available leave balances for the employee by clicking on the Details button.

approving leave requests options

From the details view, you can take the following actions.

  1. Click on Leave Balances.
  2. This will bring up a pop-up of the employee's available Leave Balances.
  3. Close the pop-up by clicking the X in the top right.

options when looking at request details

Click the Preview button in the bottom right to return to the summary view.

Preview button location

If you approve the request, click the Approve button to move it forward.

approving demo

Table of Contents


Approving Leave Reports

From the Employee Dashboard, locate and click on the link titled "Approve Leave Report."

Location of approve leave reports link

Locate a pending request in the Pending row and click on their name to review it.

demonstrating to click the employee's name

  1. If you want to return the Leave Report because it's incorrect, click the Return for correction button.
  2. You can view available leave balances for the employee by clicking on the Details button.

approving leave report options

From the details view, you can take the following actions.

  1. Click on Leave Balances.
  2. This will bring up a pop-up of the employee's available Leave Balances.
  3. Close the pop-up by clicking the X in the top right.

Preview button location

Click the Preview button in the bottom right to return to the summary view.

location of preview button to return

If you approve the request, click the Approve button to move it forward.

approving demo


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