How To: Adjust Due Dates for Assignments for Select Students


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Changing the due date/time settings for an individual

Students requiring extended time for assignments as indicated on their Letter of Accommodations from the Office of ADAptive Services will need the due date amended for each and every assignment and discussion in Canvas.

  1. Log-in to Canvas
  2. Select the section the referenced student attends
  3. Within that section navigate to the Assignments section:
    Canvas dashboard menu to selected course with the Assignments option highlighted for selection.
  4. Locate the first assignment, including discussions, which requires adjustment. There are two methods to adjusting assignment due dates within Canvas: via the "Assign To" button or within the assignment's "Details" page. Please select a method below and follow the steps to adjust an assignment due date. Please note every assignment including discussions the student with accommodations will be taking will need adjustment:


Method One: "Assign To" Button

First, (A) click the three vertical dots to the right of the desired assignment, and then (B) click on the "Assign To..." button.

Three vertical dots and "Assign To" button.


In the tray that appears on the right-hand side of the screen, select the "+ Add" button below the initially assigned due date and time.

The "+ Add" button.


In the new "Assign To" box that appears below, make adjustments as desired.

The new "Assign To" box.


Lastly, click the "Save" button at the bottom.


Method Two: Assignment "Details" Page

Click on the title of the assignment, and then within the assignment, select the "Edit" button.
Graphic showing the view within a published assignment.


Click the "+ Assign To" button within the Assign Access section.
Graphic showing the Assign Access section within the assignment.


In the new "Assign To" box that appears below, make adjustments as desired.

The new "Assign To" box.


Lastly, click the "Save" button at the bottom.


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Article ID: 134592
Fri 10/1/21 2:02 PM
Tue 9/10/24 1:41 PM