Canvas Credentials (formerly known as Badgr) Badge/Pathway Request

What is Canvas Credentials (formerly known as Badgr)?

Badgr is a digital credentialing system that is used to award badges, create stackable learning pathways, and verify and track achievements through sharable learner records.

How can digital credentialing be used at FSW?

At FSW, we have defined three main categories for the types of badges offered:

1. Transferable and Professional Skills (TPS) - These badges represent skills that are applicable across disciplines and industries, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and global citizenship. Examples include language proficiency badges and badges related to the general education competencies.

2. Industry Recognized - These badges signify achievement of specific skills or certifications that are recognized and valued within certain industries or professions. Examples include badges for Quickbooks proficiency, bookkeeping, and risk management.

3. Continuing Education - These badges are awarded for completing continuing education experiences, professional development courses, and other training programs offered through FSW's Office of Corporate and Community Education.

In addition to these externally-facing badge categories, FSW also offers internal badges for students, faculty and staff to recognize personal and professional development within the college community.

Student experiences, such as attendance at or participation in events or programs, are created through the Student Engagement Office using Presence.  Student experiences are documented by the Presence Transcript and are not associated with digital badges.  If you need access to Presence, please contact 

What information do I need to provide when requesting a badge or pathway for my department, program, or course?

You will need to complete the request form by clicking the "Request Service" button and providing the following information:

  • Badge system goals
  • Single Badge or Pathway
  • Issuer/Owner/Staff Information
  • Badge/pathway name
  • Badge/pathway description
  • Badge/pathway criteria
  • Badge/pathway evidence
  • Type/category
  • Purpose
  • Assessment
  • Alignment
  • Prerequisites
  • Award method
  • Time to earn
  • Badge design ideas/preferences

A PDF version of the Badgr Badge Design Worksheet is attached for your reference.

Request Service

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FSW students and faculty that earn a badge through a Canvas course or by completing the requirements to earn the Fundamentals of Written Communication badge, will receive an email notifying them that a badge has been awarded. Badge recipients will then be directed to the Badgr website to create an account, view, and share their badges.


Service ID: 52027
Fri 4/15/22 9:53 AM
Thu 5/2/24 12:20 PM